A short period of breast feeding, excessive house cleaning related to more severe atopic dermatitis.


eMediNexus    16 December 2017

A new study published in the European Journal of Dermatology aimed to investigate the possible association between family, social, dieting, atopic, and environmental factors and the severity of AD evaluated by SCORAD scores in children. Here, the study group comprised 100 children with AD who attended a pediatric dermatology outpatient clinic, with a median age of 18.5 months. The findings revealed that that excessive cleanliness, RAST (radioallergosorbent test) level greater than 0.7 KU/l, breastfeeding for less than two months, and the absence of an older sibling were statistically significant independent determinants for high SCORAD scores. While excessive cleanliness was the strongest independent risk factor for severe AD. On the other hand, RAST level greater than 0.7 KU/l and severe passive smoking also showed a significant independent, but clearly weaker, association with severe AD. Hence, it was inferred that a short duration of breastfeeding, absence of older siblings, passive smoking, food allergens along with aeroallergens, and excessive cleanliness should be considered as negative prognostic factors, leading to a higher SCORAD score in children with AD.

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